Saturday, March 10, 2007

alright, here's a stupid post. you happy now?

It's been a while... They don't say anything. No one will admit it. But I know. I see it in their eyes... the subtle tone of their voice. Before I'd thought the world had changed. But the truth is that it is me. I am a changed man. I don't know if it's for better or for worse, and probably never will. I'd like to think it's for the better. For now, at least. Who knows what the future will bring- I stopped trying to predict a long time ago. All I can really do is plot my next move, one step at a time, and hope for the best.
I'd like to think of myself as the gruff and weathered 'old' man; battlescarred and hardened by the lessons hard learned after a quarter century of living. I'd like to think that I'm read to settle down and retire to a simple life with that companion of mine. But apparently I'm still young, and need to 'stop being so lazy'. Whatever.. I do what i want. Going to test drive a couple cars today. Front runner is the Mazda protege; but i'm getting tired of waiting for my friend to sell it to me. Next on the list is Mazda3. Then the Jetta. Maybe a Honda, maybe a Toyota. I'll even look at a Ford. But I'll most likely go with the mazda.

How this vehicle will make Jamalian Life easier...
not having to hear people bitch about me not having a car..
be able to go to and from work.. anytime i want
join lake union rowing club
move closer to seattle
travel anytime, anywhere
not having to make sure i had exact change for the bus fair
no more hitch hiking!


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